The Intuitive-Connections Network

Current Update as of August 13, 2005 

Inspired by The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies

Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D.

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(Hampton Roads Publishing)

Book Summary by Sue Beardslee

Atlantic University

     Like a moth drawn to flame, Angela Smith embarks on a journey to make sense of her own out of body experiences which began when she was eight years old. This book is an account of that journey, incorporating her personal experiences and extensive research.

But this journey has multiple purposes in mind. Ultimately, to establish remote viewing as a legitimate field of study with results that can be measured within the framework of the scientific community. Also to optimize the results gleaned from remote viewing, and to ethically and responsibly apply these results to practical situations.

In general, remote viewing is the ability to perceive information psychically about a remote location regardless of the boundaries of time or distance. According to Ingo Swann the protocol for remote viewing consists of the following five elements:

1. The remote viewer.

2. Activation of extrasensory perceptions.

3. A remote location to serve as a focus for the viewers perceptions.

4. A detailed recording of these perceptions.

5. Confirmation of accuracies.

     All five elements are required in order to qualify as remote viewing.

Leonard Buchanan, who was trained in controlled remote viewing under Swann's methodology, believes that the perceptions attained from RV, come primarily from the subconscious mind as it relates the information through the conscious mind and the senses of the body.

The ability to accept the information coming from the subconscious mind as your reality, to the extent that it feels as if you are physically at the remote site, leads to a phenomenon called perfect site integration. Perfect site integration or PSI is the ability to experience the target site exactly as it is.

Swann calls this ability bilocation. One disadvantage of PSI is that you are not able to record your perceptions during the viewing. Since the viewer has to rely on memory, important details could be missed. For this reason to obtain optimal results, it is recommended that the viewer sort of rides the edge of PSI with out going over.

Angela Smith believes that out of body experiences initiate the process of remote viewing. The process then moves along the continuum to that of being able to perceive a remote site to gather information.

Within this continuum the potential exists for the viewer to move beyond viewing a site, to actually being able to manipulate physical objects, people and occurrences at the site. Smith also states that OBE's are one of many ways to gain access to a remote site.

The general consensus is that remote viewing is a natural ability and that we all possess the potential to be successful at it. For some it occurs spontaneously, for others it may require teaching and practice. It is possible to optimize this skill through training and practice.

Remote viewing can occur as a result of an out of body experience, a near death experience, and during various states of altered consciousness i.e. meditation, the hypnogogic state, a drug induced state, hypnosis, mental imagery, dreaming, and sensory deprivation.

According to a study conducted by Dr. Yoichiro Sako from Japan, grade school children have proved to be more adept at remote viewing than adults. Though there are some similarities, each person experiences remote viewing uniquely.

Currently there seems to be two ways in which remote viewing is referred; the first in general, as a natural ability, the second, in terms of controlled experimentation. There are many names for remote viewing which include specified types.

Four subcategories of remote viewing include Associative Remote Viewing, Precognitive/Retrocognitive Remote Viewing. Extended Remote Viewing, and Controlled Remote Viewing.

In Associative Remote Viewing the outcome is assigned to certain objects. Let's say you are tracking the success of a football team with associative remote viewing. Wins for the team would be linked with the symbol of a spoon and losses would be linked with the symbol of a triangle.

The viewer would be asked to view and draw an object that would determine the results of a specified game that will take place in the near future. Hopefully the viewer would draw either symbol which could then be confirmed as the information becomes available.

In Precognitive Remote Viewing, the viewing takes place before a site is even designated and a questionnaire is filled out describing the site in detail. The monitor then chooses and visits a designated site and fills out their questionnaire in detail. The two questionnaires are then compared for verification.

The remote viewing can also be done retrocognitively (after the monitor has visited and recorded the site.) In these categories of remote viewing there seemed to be more accurate results when the target sites included three elements: geometric shapes, vivid color and emotion.

Extended Remote Viewing is a broad term used to describe experimental categories of remote viewing which include: Associative Remote Viewing, Coordinate Remote Viewing, Precognitive/Retorcognitive Remote Viewing and Meditative Remote Viewing. Extended Remote Viewing is also associated with viewing via altered states of consciousness.

Controlled Remote Viewing is more defined and contains a certain protocol.

Extended Remote Viewing and Controlled Remote Viewing are similar in that they both agree that it is best to view and record the target site from as many perspectives as possible. Both methods focus on experiencing information through the senses of the body and sketching the information.

Controlled remote viewing differs from extended remote viewing in the following ways:

• Controlled Remote Viewing involves identifying anxieties/concerns before viewing a remote site so that the viewer is more apt to obtain objective information.

• In CRV the viewer is asked to view the remote site from the perspective of an observer rather than a participant.

• In CRV the viewer is encouraged to terminate the session when they feel that the quality of information is decreasing. In extended remote viewing, instead of terminating, the viewer is asked to initiate another method of viewing.

• In CRV it is not considered necessary that the viewer achieve an altered state of consciousness.

• CRV is more structured and defined. It requires prerequisites and specific training with a qualified teacher. During the remote viewing session a certain protocol must be followed.

• In Controlled Remote Viewing it is believed that the information coming from the remote site is accessed through the central nervous system. In ERV the information is believed to be accessed through human consciousness.

• Perfect site integration or PSI is discouraged in Controlled Remote Viewing. It is preferred that the viewer get as close to PSI without actually achieving it. In Extended Remote Viewing PSI is encouraged.

• CRV requires that the viewer be monitored during training and certain criteria be met before remote viewing alone.

• In CRV training and feedback are provided at all stages of the viewing. In ERV teacher and student are unaware of the remote site.

• In CRV the viewer is encouraged to record objective information and to refrain from drawing conclusions based on personal experiences. The viewer is not allowed to label or categorize the information received.

• In CRV the information on a target site seems to progress in detail, where the information gained through ERV comes in bits and pieces.

• CRV is geared more for individuals that prefer a structured approach to learning. ERV encourages those who are less structured to create a framework in which to structure their experiences.

     Regardless of technique, three elements to remote viewing are considered to be essential; the ability to relax the body, concentrate, and imagine freely.
Some common concerns and questions that arise when first learning about remote viewing include:

Feeling fatigued.
There is no known reason for this but prior alertness can be restored by resting or napping.

Feeling as if you are moving through physical objects.
This sensation takes some getting used to but it does allow you to access the remote site in ways that the physical body is limited. The term for this is Movement Exercises.

Feeling the sensations of physical travel i.e. rising, falling, accelerating, decelerating, drifting, and changes in temperature.
These feelings are associated with PSI (Perfect Site Integration). Attempt to vocalize what you are experiencing if someone is monitoring you or record your experiences on a tape recorder. If you are not able to do so during the viewing, make a record of your experiences directly after the session.

Detecting the presence of other remote viewers at the target site with acknowledgement that they also detect your presence there.
Although this is hard to confirm, it is a common experience.

Questioning ones ability to reason.
Remote viewing does not in any way alter ones ability to reason.

How is remote viewing different than the information a psychic obtains?
Due to experience the psychic is more practiced at tuning in to a site.

What is the difference between astral projection and remote viewing?
Astral projection pertains to travel in the astral realm. Remote viewing deals with information related to the earthly realm.

What are the dangers of remote viewing?
There are no known dangers.

Can I use RV to spy on people?
Spying is possible; however ethical application is the responsibility of the remote viewer.

Are there limitations to remote viewing?
Non that are known, remote viewing appears to transcend the limitations of time and space.

What training would aid the ability to remote view?
Any kind of metaphysical training is useful when learning to remote view. The most useful training would be in the ability to relax the body while maintaining an alert, imaginative mind.

Is there one element that is key to remote viewing?
Yes, a relaxed, centered and stilled mind occurring simultaneously with conscious alertness.

     As someone becomes more receptive to remote viewing, they may subsequently open themselves up to experience other dimensions. One such experience could be to encounter a vortex or a gateway in time. Another might be the perception of ghosts.

A remote viewing experience can be both positive and negative, it is best to be prepared for the later. One protection against the intrusion of disembodied spirits is to create a mental mirror and to use it to reflect thoughts and feelings back to the original source.

Mental mantras are also helpful such as, "I am surrounded and protected by white light." A more obvious protection is to state what you want, with conviction, "Leave now, you are not welcome in my mind, body, house etc." The remote viewer has complete control during the experience and can terminate the session at will.

The following are some methods and techniques that will enhance ones ability to remote view:

The Harmony of Opposites Method of Remote Viewing

The harmony of opposite's method includes certain conditions:

1. An environment that is comfortable and free of distractions.

2. A confidence that the remote viewer is in complete control of the session.

3. A knowing that remote viewing is an innate ability.

4. The ability to clear the mind of thoughts.

5. The ability to visualize.

     Begin by clearing the mind of distractions and move in to visualization exercises in which you incorporate all the senses; sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. When you begin to feel the slightest sense of disorientation, name your destination. Record any data you receive in as much detail as possible. Include what you perceive through the senses as well as thoughts and feelings.

The Ritual Method

Begin by cleansing the energy within and around you. Some idea's for cleansing are smudging, bathing, burning incense, using scented oils, candles, or a cleansing diet. One may also want to use divination tools such as tarot cards or a crystal ball.

A common tool for remote viewing used by some schools of the Indian Tantric sect are the Tattwa cards. These cards consist of five geometric shapes and colors. Four, symbolize the elements of the Earth:

• A red equilateral triangle represents fire or Tejas.

• A yellow square represents earth or Prithivi.

• A silver crescent moon lying on it back represents water or Apas.

• A blue-green circle represents air or Vayu

     The fifth geometric shape and color is a black-violet egg which represents astral light or spirit. It is called Akasa. Combinations of these 5 major cards are then used to create twenty sub-Tattwas. There are 25 cards in all.

The remote viewer would select one card and concentrate on it totally to the exclusion of all other thoughts. When this state of consciousness is achieved, the viewer then would imagine the card as a doorway, which they will to open. They may then pass through the doorway to visualize a remote site.

Those that use this method believe that the card you choose to concentrate on suggests the nature of the visualization. For example, if you chose the water card, your vision will have a watery quality to it.

The Monroe Method

The Monroe method involves entering into an altered state of consciousness such as a hypnogogic state. The hypnogogic state dwells on the border between the waking and sleeping states, and is often visual. Once this state is achieved, it creates a launching off point for remote viewing. There are 5 different techniques to achieving an altered state of consciousness in the Monroe Method.

1. The first technique is called the Vibrational State. The Vibrational state involves lying down in a darkened room with your head pointed towards magnetic north and entering into a state of comfortable relaxation. You would then repeat a statement of intention 5 times.

For example, "I will remember all that I consciously experience during this relaxation period. I will have total recall of all details upon awakening." The viewer would then attempt to enter into the hypnogogic state. One helpful suggestion to reach this state of consciousness is to fall asleep with your arm bent up on your elbow.

As you begin to fall asleep, your arm will relax and awaken you slightly as it falls. Set an intention, that when this occurs you will become conscious of any visions you might be having at the time.

2. The second technique is simply to close your eyes and observe the light patterns that normally occur, until they disappear.

3. The third technique involves achieving a state of complete physical relaxation in which all awareness of the body through the senses is lost. In this state one is only conscious of thoughts.

4. The forth technique is initiated when the viewer is well rested and alert. The best time is when one wakes up in the morning or after a nap. The viewer closes their eyes and concentrates on a spot extending about 1 foot from their forehead. They would then mentally move the spot 3 feet away, then 6 feet away.

Then, they would move the spot above their head and feel their mind reaching for the spot, pulling it into their head. The focus is on feeling the vibration of the spot rather than visualizing it. Attempt to feel the spot pulsating. The next step is to physically reach out and grab an object that would normally be out of reach.

Explore the object through touch. Include the sensation of passing your hand through it. Put the object back, stop the vibrations, and observe the actual location of the object.

5. The fifth technique is full separation. While in a comfortably relaxed state, the viewer imagines floating out of the body, or they can imagine rotating out of the body by turning over, before floating upwards.

Meditation Method

All types of meditation seem to be beneficial to remote viewing. The meditative state in which the body is relaxed, the mind is focused and visual images occur naturally is an excellent precursor to remote viewing.

One simple method of meditation is to focus your awareness on something, and concentrate on it fully to the exclusion of all other thought. Your environment should be free from distractions and your body comfortable and relaxed.

Some common things to focus your awareness on are: a candle flame, a flower, a picture, your breathing, a word or mantra, or a concept such as love. You could also systematically concentrate on energizing each of the seven major chakra centers of the body from the base to the crown.

The Christos Technique
This technique involves three people; the remote viewer and two assistants. The remote viewer reclines, while one assistant massages his/her forehead in a circular motion and the other assistant massages both ankles.

After 5 to 15 minutes, one of the assistants will lead the remote viewer in visualization exercises. The remote viewer will be asked to visualize their legs, arms and head, growing and expanding until they feel as if they have grown 2 to 3 feet beyond their original size.

The remote viewer is then asked to visualize and describe his/her own front door. From there they are asked to mentally travel above their house and are instructed to change the scene from day to night. The idea is to give the remote viewer the sense that they are in complete control of the session.

At this point the remote viewer is asked to go to a remote location. Once at the location site, they will be led through a series of questions that help the viewer tune in to where they are, what is happening, what time frame they are in and if traveling in the past or future, who they are. The remote viewer ends the session and is guided by one of the assistants through relaxation, back to a normal state of awareness.

The Imagery Method

Minimize distractions and enter into to a meditative state. Then imagine floating off the bed and traveling around. Another approach would be to imagine that you are looking at a duplicate of yourself from the back. Observe yourself for a while. Then try to transfer your consciousness to the duplicate and observe from this perspective. The term for experiencing a duplicate of oneself is autoscopy or autoscopic hallucinations.

Ophiel's "Little System"

1. Choose a path in your house between two rooms and memorize it in detail.

2. Pick six focal points along this path, and spend a specified amount of time focusing on them every day. Notice these focal points with all the senses; include associated feelings and thoughts that are consistent.

3. Lie down, and enter into a state of relaxation. Travel in consciousness to each of the focal points along your path.

4. When you become more adept at this, begin to travel beyond this location.

     It is common to hear strange noises while practicing this technique. Ophiel attributes this to mental static which is of no concern.

Future Memory Technique

This technique developed by James Van Avery is initiated by entering in to a meditative state. Next, the viewer is asked to memorize their immediate surroundings. They are then asked to view certain aspects of their surroundings from a unique perspective i.e. inside a drawer or inside a television set.

From there, they are to consciously become aware of how their mind works as far as memorizing and recalling the details of an event. The idea is, that this will aid in gathering details from the location site, which will later be recorded and sketched in detail.

Next, travel to the future, just before the event occurs and access information as the event occurs. It is important to notice patterns and shapes. Focus on the objective data. The challenge in using this technique successfully is in believing that it is possible.

The Hemi-Sync process is another tool that is used to stimulate remote viewing. The process was developed by Robert Monroe to help people explore different altered states of consciousness. This process includes sound patterns called binaural beats which alter the brain waves. When combine with self hypnosis, breathing techniques, relaxation and imagery, often an OBE would spontaneously occur.

Although the basic principle is the same, the methods of remote viewing are uniquely individual. It is best to focus on a method that has a track record for success. After choosing a method of remote viewing that works best for you, the most important element in developing your ability to remote view is practice. Here are some suggested ways to practice:

• Remote view the front page of the next day's news paper.

• When you are going to new locations, remote view them ahead of time.

• Work with another person on remote viewing. Designate which of you is the person that will be remote viewing and which will go and record their observations at a secret target site of their choosing. Synchronize your watches and set a time parameter for the remote viewing. Be sure to keep extensive notes and compare them afterwards. Switch tasks.

• Have someone pick out random geographical locations on a map or globe. Record them by using the name of the location and by using the key on the map i.e. F-7, or record longitude and latitude, etc. Then have the viewer try to view the location by name, or by symbols associated with the location.

     During practice it is important to record a timeline and all observations including thoughts and feelings as well as what you are experiencing through the physical senses.

After you establish a technique that works best for you and you've had plenty of practice, you can move into ways of applying the technique. In an effort to stimulate your creativity, the following are remote viewing explorations by Angela Smith:

• Smith remote views Jupiter, documenting her findings and sending them in to the American Society for Psychical Research in New York. She remote views the rings of Saturn for Intuition Services of California, this time she is provided with a list of questions to answer.

She applies remote viewing to look into the reason for the delay of the space shuttle Discovery, the delay of the shuttle Voyager and to find the source of the problems that delay the Mars Observer. After the Challenger disaster, she used RV to locate the remains of some of the bodies.

• Smith then explores remote viewing in connection with extraterrestrials. She explores Area 51, answers questions surrounding the Roswell wreckage, and the "NORAD" incident. Smith also documents various interfaces that she experienced with an other dimensional entity she calls the Monitor.

Smith and the Monitor meet at a target site via remote viewing to exchange information in order to gain a better understanding of each other through mutual cooperation.

• Upon discovering that the mind could influence radioactive sources, Smith explored this by trying to create a negative radioactive balance in certain target areas. Through her observation of media coverage she concludes that her attempts at influencing radioactive sources had very little success.

     Reports of each of these viewings are listed in the book. However, there is minimal documentation as to the accuracy of the findings. Since the results were not verifiable, this information was included primarily to demonstrate examples for the application of remote viewing. Other applications include location of missing persons, assistance in solving crimes, business applications and diagnosing health conditions.

Remote viewing can also be used to explore your own past or the past of others. In some cases this exploration can be healing. Psychiatrist Brian Weiss discovered while working with one of his clients, that mental and physical ailments in the present, could be linked to a past life experience.

He used past life regressions to revisit the experiences in which the ailments were formed. He discovered that by processing these experiences (optimally in the role of observer) it was possible to release them. As these experiences in the past were released, so were the mental and physical ailments in the present.

Past life regression has also been used to explain a phenomenon called cryptomnesia. Cryptomnesia occurs when someone discovers an unusual memory or displays a talent or skill knowledgably for an unexplained reason, and they attribute this knowledge to a past life memory. Some believe that these memories may be stored in our cellular structure as they are passed down from our ancestors.

Remote viewing can also be applied to the development of future technologies. Angela Smith used remote viewing to travel up to 30 years in the future to view technology used in correcting the depletion of the ozone layer. Seven years later she discovered a man named Melvin Prueitt who had designed and patented a device to minimize ozone layer depletion very similar in technology to the one Smith described in her remote viewing.

The following are examples of other events that Smith has remote viewed in the future:

• In the year 2030 there is a collapse of the Earth's atmosphere mainly around the northern hemispheres, resulting in sudden damage to the air quality. This will cause a massive migration of people into the Mediterranean area. Many will perish as a result. It will take around 50 years for the damage to correct itself but eventually people will begin to move back to their home lands. Smith named this viewing "The Exodus"

• A future remote viewing revealed a major earthquake in the New York/New Jersey area with most of the damage occurring in Manhattan and the surrounding areas. Manhattan is literally split in two, down the middle. There is extensive damage and massive loss of life. This event is to occur up to the year 2012.

Also viewed were major earthquakes in Beijing, China and Mexico City, Mexico. Quakes to a lesser degree will occur in Alaska, the Ural Mountains and Samoa. There is scientific evidence to support the possibility of major earthquake activity in the New York/New Jersey area.

     Though these events are not yet confirmed and by definition can not be labeled as remote viewing, Smith maintains that they are valid human experiences.
There is evidence that study and research into applying remote viewing seems to be paying off.

Major Ed Dames founder of Psi Tech, developed a strict protocol for controlled remote viewing, in which he uses several remote viewers to objectively view components of a target site. By only viewing certain aspects of the target site there is a reduction of the natural tendency to draw conclusions. Creativity and imagination are discouraged in this method of information collection.

The focus is on obtaining objective information from several sources, evaluating the information and entering it into a computer designed to correlate consistent data. Dames boasts a success rate of 80% using this technique and offers his clients a money-back guarantee on the results.

Historically, there is ample of evidence that remote viewing is not a new phenomenon. In early research scientists have evidence that the brain waves become altered during OBE's. Jack Houck discovered what he calls a MAW or a mental access window when an individual's EEG (electro-encephalograph) measures between 7.81 to 7.83 Hz.

Ironically this is the same frequency that Schumann Resonance occurs. Schumann Resonance is the term for small oscillations in the earth's magnetic field. Houck proceeded to make a recording with an input signal of 7.81Hz.

After a few minutes of listening to this recording in a relaxed state, he spontaneously had an OBE. 50% of the people he tried this devise on also had some form of an OBE. Houck discovered that there are some people that function normally in the MAW range, particularly geniuses and psychics.

Early research also reveals the possibility of detecting the remote viewer's physical presence at the remote site. By using a spectrum analyzer which detects electromagnetic radiation, scientists have been able to confirm the possibility of this phenomenon.

They have also observed the remote viewer's presence at the target site through the response of animals. There is even evidence that indicates the possibility of manipulating certain elements of the remote site.

There is abundant documentation of the study of psi by science, the government and the military in the past. Some studies continue in the present. However, current research is not available to the public.

Unfortunately, the scientific community in general, does not support the study of psi. Criticisms of past remote viewing studies relate that the research is invalid due to lack of controls during experimentation. Critics maintain that most of the data obtained was based on subjective information and is not demonstratively replicable.

As a result, opportunities to pursue a career in the study of psi are minimal. However, recent discoveries in the field of quantum physics offer scientists an opportunity to review past psi studies and to reevaluate legitimacy.

The predominate theme of this book is Smith's search for a legitimate, scientific study of remote viewing with an emphasis on obtaining optimal results, that when applied ethically and responsibly, will benefit humanity.

She has combined 17 years of private research, 7 years of scientific research, 5 years as a consultant on remote viewing, 2 years of teaching and more towards this endeavor.

She also founded Inner Vision Institute, a non-profit organization that teaches extended remote viewing. Her journey to discover our human potential in the field of remote viewing continues.

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