Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D.
March 04, 2007
The Intuitive-Connections Network

Introduction and Questions to

Panel Discussion on the Relationship Between Spiritual Development and Intuitive Development

(90-minute audio presentation)
The 90-minute tape you are about to listen to is a panel discussion recorded specifically for this course. The theme of the discussion is the relationship between spiritual development and intuitive development -- a relationship emphasized over and over again in the Edgar Cayce readings.
The voices you will hear on the tape are:
Kieth VonderOhe -- panel facilitator and course coordinator
Mary Roach -- professional psychic and speaker at A.R.E. conferences
Mary Miller -- Wayshower and staff member in the A.R.E. Study Group Department
Cathy Rosek -- Wayshower and professional psychic
Carol Haenni -- Wayshower and Atlantic University faculty member
Charles Thomas Cayce -- President of the Edgar Cayce Foundation
Panelists came prepared to talk about how they developed their intuitive abilities and how their own personal spiritual development has interacted with growing psychic ability. In addition panelists were encouraged to comment on points made by other panelists during the discussion. As you listen to the tape, it will probably be helpful for you to note the following points:
-- All the journeys of the panel participants began as spiritual searches before their intuitive gifts began to surface. Note the differences and see if any of their experiences have parallels in your life.
-- Note the variety of phrases used to describe spirituality and the variety of spiritual disciplines that have helped these individuals. These include: prayer, meditation, dreams, service to others, contacting the higher self and the Divine within, journaling, A.R.E. Search for God study groups, Bible reading, expressing the fruits of the spirit, music, poetry, being in nature, and setting and living out an ideal. Reflect on how you are currently using some of these ideas and which ones you might use as you select your spiritual discipline for the latter part of this course.
-- Note how these individuals describe the focus of their work and how they use their talents. Listen for ideas that relate to life purpose, how to help others find talents and gifts, serving self and others, helping people get in touch with personal power, becoming a cocreator, being hopeful, knowing when and how to share information received, and helping others get in touch with the Divine within in daily life.
-- Note the variety of ways they use their gifts besides giving formal psychic readings.
-- Reflect on the comments relating the continual development of intuitive gifts to growing self-awareness and self-identity. These individuals constantly have to learn how to move beyond normal ego and contact the higher self. Processes for doing this include getting to know themselves better, psychological work, self-forgiveness, and learning how their own biases and prejudices can cause them to misinterpret symbols and ideas they are receiving.
-- Note the discussion on the relationship between intuitive abilities and one’s mission and purpose in life. Note examples about how intuitive abilities will naturally tend to develop in areas one can use quickly. These include a policeman who became a sketch artist, a teacher who became intuitive with students, musicians who found intuition in musical talent, and actors who seem able to perform certain roles very well.
-- Note the discussion on the idea that there are people who are very psychic but who seem to have little or no apparent spiritual discipline or development in their lives. Reflect on comments you hear that discuss what happens to a soul who uses psychic abilities in disturbing, aggressive ways or who tries to develop these abilities outside of a spiritual context.
Some of the dangers discussed involve becoming power hungry and greedy, making people addicted to you as a psychic instead of helping people find their own personal power, and destructive beliefs and actions against self and others.
-- Note comments on helping people who are having uninvited, unwanted psychic experiences and overcoming fear of these experiences in self and others.

Questions to Respond To

Your answers to some of these questions will serve as part of the final phone discussion you have at the end of this course. Remember, you are answering these questions as you understand the issues now. Feel free to let your answers change as you take this course and other courses in the Institute.
1. How would you define spirituality/spiritual growth?
2. When and where did your spiritual search begin? How is it continuing in your life today?
3. Which of the disciplines discussed on the tape are you currently using in some way? Which ones do you want to incorporate into your life for the final part of this course?
4. Describe briefly three instances where you have used intuitive insights in daily life:
5. At this point in time what do you feel is your life purpose?
6. How have you noticed your intuitive abilities appearing in areas closely related to your life purpose?
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