Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D.
February 17, 2008
The Intuitive-Connections Network
Front Page

Explore Spiritual Realities

Atlantic University offers free online Mini-Courses on spiritual domains:
Atlantic University

Atlantic University News

Dream Workshop Offered August 10-15, 2008

Although most people have heard that dreams have value, dreams are rarely recalled and the value of dreams remains more gossip than personal experience. At this small group workshop, participants will explore new technology that almost guarantees dream recall and provides direct experience with the power of dreams. The workshop may be taken for CEUs or graduate credit. For more information, see http://creativespirit.net/learners/innerlifeatbighouse.htm and to learn how to enroll, e-mail henry.reed@atlanticuniv.edu

Read in current issue:
Celebrating 2012

Celebrating 2012: Experience the Future of Consciousness Now: An Experiment in Creating a School of the Prophets.

By Henry Reed

I'm connecting to a long-standing idea associated with the Edgar Cayce material about what it might be like to have a "School of the Prophets." I'm coming to see that prophecy is a call to our developing awareness of our co-creatorship of the future.

THE OMEGA PROJECT: Near-Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind at Large

By Kenneth Ring, Ph.D.

Book Summary by Quentin T. Benson

Visionary experiences are forcing us to think in new ways, which may be the purpose of these events, leading humanity to "modify our basic ideas of how reality works." They are not designed to control us, but to confound us. Extraordinary experiences loosen the chains of fixed ideas and make room for new ones. Before a new system can be put in place, the old system must be deconstructed and abandoned.

Old Souls: Compelling Evidence from Children Who Remember Past Lives

By Tom Shroder

Book Summary by Venerina Conti

Reincarnation and past lives are concepts as old as time. Philosophers, religious and spiritual entities, psychics, scientists, popular media, believers and sceptics alike have debated them for centuries.

The Journey from Childhood to Adulthood: The Importance and Limitations of Rites of Passage

By Bill Plotkin

Contemporary, Western society fails us during the transition from childhood to adulthood. Too many people reach their physical prime without ever attaining psychological maturity. Put plainly, in today's world, growing up is hard to do.


Internet News Link:

Your Spiritual Revolution: An International eMagazine for Your Holistic Transformation. A new website devoted to questions such as: Religion or Spiritualism? Faith or Science? What is Enlightenment? Is Immortality possible? What will happen in 2012? Who am I? Who is God? Where is God? What is the purpose of this universe? What is the purpose of my life? Can I speak to God? What is law of karma? What is astral travel? What is meditation? What is aura? What is spiritual evolution? See http://yourspiritualrevolution.org/
Henry Reed's Seminars will be offering the annual "Creative Spirit Revival", April 27-May 3, 2008 and "Celebrating 2012: Experiencing the Future of Consciousness Now," September 14-20, 2008, both at The Big House Inn at Cedar Springs, Virginia. Enrollment at each is limited to 8 registrants.
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