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Explore Spiritual Realities

Atlantic University offers free online Mini-Courses on spiritual domains:
Atlantic University

Read in current issue:


The Value of Solitude*
Robert Kull

Although many cultures have long recognized solitude as an opportunity to look inward, in our culture we sometimes think that spending time alone is unhealthy. To be fully human we need relationships with other people, with the nonhuman world, and with our own inner depths.




Healing Lost Souls:

Releasing Unwanted Spirits from Your Energy Body

By William J. Baldwin

Summary by Christine Mackey, Atlantic University

Spirit attachment is the idea that spirits could be the cause of physical and mental illnesses. William Baldwin, an avid Spiritualist, extensively studied past life therapy and clinical approaches to relieve spirit possession.

2012: The Transformation

From the Love of Power to the Power of Love

By Robert Roskind with Tata Pedro Cruz

Summary by Leslie King


There are many paths in life, many guided by spirituality, by religion, by culture, and by race. Yet there is just one path dedicated to the concept of One Love. One Love is the idea that we are all universally connected and that love is what holds us all together.

How Do You Think the World  Ends?

Henry Reed

Shifting one’s perception, from seeing the glass as half empty to seeing it as half full, creates a minor miracle. It changes an impoverished world into one of opportunity. Does that count also as an actual change in the real world? Some say yes, some say no. Could this difference in understanding be fueling today’s culture wars?

The Future of Consciousness: A 2012 Omni Reader

Henry Reed, Ph.D., Editor

Is the world preparing to make a shift? Is consciousness changing? Does the Mayan calendar speak of a major global event coming on December 21, 2012? What are the other prophecies regarding the future? Are there any new ideas? What about the evolution of consciousness? Is there a future for consciousness? What will it be like? What world trends, divine sources, and earthly changes may be at work to shape our destiny?


Internet News Link:

December 21, 2012 Information

A great website with lots of information about the Mayan Calendar. Covers many different disciplines of study.