Atlantic University offers free online 'Mini-Courses' on spiritual domains:
Atlantic University
Atlantic University News
Invitation to an Edgar Cayce Retreat: Enjoy a six day retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains, with gourmet country meals, meditation and dreamwork, as we explore the Transpersonal Vision of Edgar Cayce. Dates are June 14-20, 2009. Contact Henry Reed for more information.
Read in current issue:

Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life

By James Hollis. Reflections by Lorrie Kazan

Renowned psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, said, “We all walk around in shoes too small for us.” In other words, we tend to live lives proscribed for us, based on others’ expectations and fears rather than searching and diving into the disarray and disillusionment the might be required to find one’s true path.

The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness

By Owen Waters. Summary by Susan Gail Parcheta

The Shift--a collective heart awakening of humanity's consciousness--first came to attention in the mid-1960s. It is the sum of each individual's transformational growth toward a New Reality, ushering in a new era of heart-powered consciousness.

Dreaming Oil

An excerpt from The Secret History of Dreaming, by Robert Moss.

On at least two occasions before his retirement, Colonel Harold Dickson brought the Sheikh of Kuwait prophetic dreams. One forewarned of a natural disaster that would destroy much of the capital but result in abundance. It was fulfilled when storm and flood washed away thousands of mudbrick houses, and then made the desert bloom. In the second dream, Dickson foresaw an attempt on the life of the king of Saudi Arabia. When the assassination attempt took place, his prowess as a prophetic dreamer was confirmed.

»»» Internet News Link: Writing the Wave. Alex Marcoux, an Edgar Cayce Wayshower and mystery writer, has created a new blog on writing from Spirit.