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Atlantic University

Atlantic University News

Graduate Projects Presented

Six Atlantic University students presented their culminating projects at the semi-annual convocation, which was held on Saturday, November 17, at A.R.E. headquarters in Virginia Beach. It was an inspiring event. People were impressed with our students' work and there was much discussion.

Projects included establishing a peace prayer group in a local community, exploring aspects of holistic education, creative images of the meaning of womanhood, a study of the relationship between charka blockages and disruptions of prosperity, the spirituality of science, and paranormal events during bereavement.

We have a brief report with photos HERE.

The Cave Alchemist

Sidney Brent Goodman, an optometrist working in Southeast Asia, recently completed his master's degree project at Atlantic University on his experiences living in total darkness for several days. You can see the full ( .pdf ) report of his project, "The Cave Alchemist: Biochemical Brain Shifts And Mental Images AssociatedWith Extended Periods Of Darkness," HERE.

Read in current issue:
The Mystery of Reincarnation

The Mystery of Reincarnation

Donn O'Connor

There are two primary issues that question the validity of reincarnation: If we do not have recall of past lifetimes, how can we be aware of, much less correct, errors that were committed during those lifetimes? If reincarnation is true, why hasn't God revealed this most important fact?

Leaving Old Ways at Ease

Leaving Old Ways at Ease: A Story of a Dream Quest

By Drude Clark

The Dream Quest guidebook says, "whatever question or problem you choose to work on it will reflect something about you and how you are responding to your life situation…Dreams do their best, it is assumed here, when you are doing your best, in your conscious life, to work on your problem yourself." I will have to handle my own baggage.



By John Welshons

Based on his book, When Prayers Aren't Answered

Where is God when tragedy strikes? When events happen that break our hearts? When human beings inflict cruelty and suffering on one another? These and similar questions form the basis of nearly every quest for spiritual understanding, and nearly every individual crisis in faith.

Love without End

Love without End... Jesus Speaks

By Glenda Green

Summary by Sylvia Moran

The seven higher dimensions of intelligence are within the heart. They are unity, love, life, respect, honesty, justice and kindness. Each of these is reflected in the first seven commandments.


Internet News Link:

The Intuition Center ( ) puts out a regular newsletter. They write, "As a guest at the Intuition Center, you have access to a vast array of FREE information. We share our expertise in everything from articles we have authored to suggestions for books we have read that we think you would enjoy. Our ebooks, courses and conference calls are reasonably priced ways to learn about intuition."
Henry Reed's Seminars will be offering the annual "Creative Spirit Revival", April 27-May 3, and "Celebrating 2012: Experiencing the Future of Consciousness Now," September 14-20.